Photography & Video Production

  • Landscapes

    To capture a moment in time, to spread its everlasting beauty to the world. That, is what i hope to express, true tranquility and appreciation for the things we miss in life.

  • Portraits

    To capture a soul. The embodiment of all that makes a person unique. Their emotions, features and inner beauty. That, is what i hope to capture.

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I’m a Photographer, and Production Manager. I love to capture the world for all that it is, and share its beauty and serenity so that others can see how just as amazing it is to me, and really take in those little moments in life. As a Production Manager, i focus on keeping a tight ship, and running it smoothly. From Video Quality, to Stream Functions and Scenes, anything to keep the viewers attention and the creative vision strong. From the technical sides, to the creative, i aim to please in everything i do. -Unevenpictures